Who we are...

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Friends who crossed the line of friendship to discover that we can love more than we thought we can. Brought together by God and have discovered along the way that there is a deeper reason why we are together. Our mission is not to be done individually,but together. This site contains our past and our journey to the future..a sharing of emotions, feelings, thoughts, dreams, fears -- all about our adventures in life.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Blessed to be a blessing

While taking a break from her review, our little girl shared a story:
Z: "Mommy,  I shared my (tocino) baon with Jenica"
M: "Really that is nice. Anong sabi nya (What did she say)?"
Z: " She liked it mommy. Then she gave me marshmallow"
M: "Wow you like that right?"
Z: "Yes mommy. Ang bilis talaga bumalik ng blessing when you give"

Indeed, anak. We reap what we sow. God bless your kind heart little girl!

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