Who we are...

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Friends who crossed the line of friendship to discover that we can love more than we thought we can. Brought together by God and have discovered along the way that there is a deeper reason why we are together. Our mission is not to be done individually,but together. This site contains our past and our journey to the future..a sharing of emotions, feelings, thoughts, dreams, fears -- all about our adventures in life.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

On the day of hearts

My husband and I don't really make a big deal out of Valentines Day. We actually find it funny when people go rushing for flowers and chocolates and fighting over the best seat in restaurants just to please their loved one. For us, you can always show your love any time of the day, it is not even needed to declare one day just to be called a day of love.

The other day I was browsing on the net and looking for a gift for my hubby. Yes, it might coincide with the day of hearts but I really want to buy a new set of his and hers watches. We bought one two years ago after we got married and I'm thinking of buying a new set as a late Anniversary Present.

Unfortunately, my eyes are not liking some of the his and hers style available but I've got my heart set on this really nice fossil watch which I think my husband would really love. Of course I can always go buy new wedding rings (we've got two by the way, one two-toned and one silver and this white gold that I saw will be a great addition to our collection) which he will surely like too.

So many things in my shopping list now! But I need to focus first on our post-anniversary gift before my budget runs out. He'll be even more surprised if he receives it this Valentine's Day. I can just imagine the surprised look in his face. He'll be ecstatic!

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