Who we are...

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Friends who crossed the line of friendship to discover that we can love more than we thought we can. Brought together by God and have discovered along the way that there is a deeper reason why we are together. Our mission is not to be done individually,but together. This site contains our past and our journey to the future..a sharing of emotions, feelings, thoughts, dreams, fears -- all about our adventures in life.

Friday, December 5, 2008


I don't know why, but I was down memory lane just awhile ago. On that note, I'm listing down things that I loved, hated (hmm...such a strong word, hate, don't you think?) and remembered most during my childhood.

1. I totally loved dancing. Not that I don't love dancing now but dancing used to be one of my favorite things to do back then.
2. I loved pom-poms! It's a snack by the way.
3. Patintero was such a good way to pass time.
4. Totally into the goya "kabaong" chocolates.
5. So into bioman. I was pink 5!
6. Adored the carebears. I was funshine bear.
7. Never missed the halloween episodes of magandang gabi bayan because it really scared my sister and I.
8. Fiesta Carnival was the best amusement theme place to be in.
9. Watched the COD shows yearly.
10. Oral declamations was my thing.

This are just the tip of the iceberg. Hahaha. I know....such revelations actually reflects how old I am. But it doesn't matter. Sometimes it's just nice to reminisce the good old days when life was simple and fun. Nothing beats being a kid. That's why it's important than one has good childhood memories.

Until the next batch of memories =)

1 comment:

Hapi said...

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