Who we are...

My photo
Friends who crossed the line of friendship to discover that we can love more than we thought we can. Brought together by God and have discovered along the way that there is a deeper reason why we are together. Our mission is not to be done individually,but together. This site contains our past and our journey to the future..a sharing of emotions, feelings, thoughts, dreams, fears -- all about our adventures in life.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Time machine

For me I don't need to wait for Thursdays to throw back or Fridays to flash back. Looking at our kids is always reminiscing how they have grown so fast. Everyday can be a trip to memory lane. I am grateful for all their developments, and I know that there will be more blessings thru the things they will achieve. They are our angels, our miracles, one of God's greatest gift.

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